Adhocracy reminds me...

Adhocracy reminds me...

Adhocracy reminds me that there are so many ways to make art and so many forms art can take
Adhocracy reminds me to keep making art
Adhocracy reminds me to go to Port Adelaide more often, and to wear extra layers
Adhocracy reminds me that a cheese toastie is always a good idea

Adhocracy reminds me why a bad government tries to choke out the arts - if all of the population had seen ‘Dorre Dari’ tonight they would have a hard time keeping Manus and Nauru full of refugees. If the population had seen Forest’s ‘Karanga’ it would be difficult to maintain a nation disconnected from the world’s Indigenous custodians
If the population had seen ‘Future Echoes’ they would see there are different ways of thinking and communicating

Adhocracy reminds me that you are never too old to pick up lollies off the floor after the piñata has exploded
Adhocracy reminds me to take a moment for myself and sit in the Good Silence
Adhocracy reminds me to share sustenance (Creation) with friends while we still can
Adhocracy reminds me that strangers can become friends when you have art to talk about
Adhocracy reminds me that there are old bodies and new managements who have been doing this for a long time, and they have so much knowledge and resilience to share and learn from
Adhocracy reminds me that there is a medicament for my predicament
Adhocracy reminds me that a confessional feels good in the dark.

Adhocracy reminds me that people have something to tell you if you’ll let them.

Three memories

Three memories

